Roadtrip 2015 Fall: Vancouver - Astoria - Bandon - Anderson - Paso Robles - Palm Desert - Morongo Valley - Sedona - Henderson - Lone Pine - Sacramento - Ashland - Newport - Astoria - Vancouver

Day 21 - the high road to Prescott

Russ tries out the new technique of "camera whispering" - based on the very successful new age therapeutic approach of "horse whispering" . You gots to try - it is Sedona after all. Nice camera ....... nice camera .........

Nuthin' like a little cloud imagining with your morning coffee - can't do this without thinking about Steiglitz and his "equivalents". I see birds - I always see birds. :) What do you see?

Seems the holodeck door is malfunctioning again.

No, this time it's one of the famed Sedona vortexes - they keep on messing everything up.

Yup, definitely a vortex this time.

Somebody in serious caffeine withdrawal named that rock "Coffee Pot"..... Must... find........ coffee.........Must... find....

Model homes in a model neighborhood.

The All-New Tesla Driverless HoverCar on a Stick. The brochure failed to mention the really cool "passengerless" option. It is a $10,000 software feature, which makes the car altogether independent of people.

The high road. It is really, really high.

Everythings green up here at Mingus Lake.

It appears that even the elks must follow the rules.

We usually visit galleries. This here is an Arizona Guns & Gallery. Art never sells well, but guns are another story.

Wouldn't 'ya just love to have a peek inside this much loved classic?

Wendy mercilessly grills the baker over the precise content of their Danish filling.

Halloween is serious business here in Prescott.

New Moon hover over Prescott Valley.








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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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